

Two hands are outstretched holding a pile of black soil above a field of green plants


NDSU扩展土壤健康计划提供实用, science-based information which allows farmers and consultants to make informed decisions when integrating soil health building strategies and practices on-farm.





  • Dr. 卡洛斯皮雷-助理教授土壤健康-推广
    • 教育
      • 2016年,巴西圣玛丽亚联邦大学农学学士学位
      • MS, 土壤 Science, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, 2018
      • 2023年,堪萨斯州立大学农学博士
    • 电话: 701-231-7838
    • 电子邮件: 卡洛斯.pires@mulher-perfeita.net
  • Dr. 钱德勒格林纳-推广土壤健康专家-迈诺特REC
    • 教育
      • 美国密苏里大学植物科学学院,2017
      • MS, 作物, 土壤, and Environmental Science, University of Arkansas, 2020
      • 美国佐治亚大学作物与土壤科学博士,2024年
    • 电话: 701-857-7677
    • 电子邮件: 钱德勒.gruener@mulher-perfeita.net
  • 纳伊姆·卡尔瓦-兰登REC推广土壤健康专家
紫花苜蓿是北达科他州最重要的牧草. This manuscript details its soil fertility requirements more extensively than any publication has previously. The previous circular related to alfalfa soil fertility also included…
The presence of salts and high water tables in North Dakota soils due to an extended climactic wet cycle recently has stimulated interest in the installation of tile drainage systems. 瓷砖控制地下水位,并鼓励…
三叶草的施肥不同于紫花苜蓿, so the recommendations requirements need to be different from those of alfalfa.
氮肥管理是小麦成功生产的关键. Recommendations include consideration of wheat yield and protein response to added N within three major state agri-climatology zones, 小麦价格和氮素成本在…
The previous edition provided a nutrient rate to potato regardless of varietal efficiency nad harvest date. This edition provides this updated information and also recommendation potassium based in part on soil clay chemistry.
Sugarbeet growers in this region are paid based on the tons of recoverable sucrose that is extracted from their crop. 因此, sugarbeet profitability depends on producing a high-tonnage crop that is high in sucrose percentage.
Winter wheat fertilization recommendations in North Dakota previously were similar to spring wheat and durum. As a larger research base was developed for spring wheat and durum, 把冬小麦和其他小麦分开是必要的。
在过去的十几年里, sulfur deficiency in the north central region has become common in historically unaffected soils. The reasons include higher crop yield and the associated increased demand for soil sulfur, 而且干净的空气……
We use litterbags filled with wheat straw to measure the organisms activity in the soil over time as it related to breaking down old crop residue. The mesh allows microbes and small arthropods to break down the litter. 在一个不断增长的…
北达科他州不同地区粘土的化学成分不同. 粘土化学影响耕作方式的选择, resistance of soil to compaction and potassium crop nutrient availability. 该出版物提供了对粘土的原因的见解……
结果:26例中1 ~ 10例 3