



  • 1995 牛肉 Quality Audit reported 11 percent of carcasses had at least one injection site blemish
  • 注射的最佳地点并不总是最方便的
  • 所有注射都在肩前
  • SC和IM注射的注射技术
  • 不要在一个部位注射超过10cc
  • 不要再注射到注射部位
  • 尽量减少注射部位反应的风险

The 1995 National 牛肉 Quality Audit revealed 11 percent of the carcasses surveyed had at least one injection site blemish. 牛肉产业损失约7美元.每头因注射部位病变而被饲养的小母牛或阉牛0.05. 不仅注射部位会留下可见的病变, but there are also significant tenderness problems associated with lesion-afflicted lean tissue.

The recommended site for injections is not always the most convenient or easiest site to reach. The best location for an injection is the site where the product is the most beneficial, without the risk of damaging the more expensive cuts of meat (upper rump and upper butt).

The 1995 National 牛肉 Quality Audit suggests management changes to decrease the incidence of injection site lesions and reactions. 第一个, producers should move the location of injection sites from the top butt and round to the neck, 如图5所示, 在标签允许的地方使用皮下给药. 生产者也应该丢弃刺穿或弯曲的针头,而不是重复使用它们.

图5. 合适的注射位置.

bqa 5

Producers should pay particular attention to preparing their calves' immune systems through vaccinating. Programs that emphasize the importance of calf nutrition and timing of vaccinations can significantly reduce both the incidence of treatment (and usually injection) for respiratory disease and the incidence of excesses of multiple vaccinations, 哪些会增加注射部位病变的发生率.

To reduce lost value of the expensive cuts of meat, keep all injections in front of the shoulder. 不要注射到臀部或臀部的顶部!

无论是疫苗还是抗生素, the triangular mass of neck muscle is the preferred site for both IM and SC injections. 注射时,一定要直接注射,不要有角度. 使用帐篷法注射SC.

不要在一个部位注射超过10cc. 多次注射时, 注射部位之间保持至少5英寸的距离, 注意不要重复使用注射部位. 将感染风险和注射部位病变发生率降到最低, 避免注射到潮湿或粪肥覆盖的地方.



  1. 选择合适的产品
  2. 阅读标签
  3. 不要混合疫苗
  4. 使用转移针
  5. 不要混合太多的产品
  6. 保持震动
  7. 标记并分开注射器
  8. 改良活疫苗不要使用消毒剂
  9. 排出注射器中的空气
  10. 妥善管束动物
  11. 选择最好的给药途径
  12. 选择最好的管理地点
  13. 选择合适的针头
  14. 使用正确的注射技术
  15. 保持良好卫生
  • 选择合适的产品
    When giving vaccinations; select the correct product for your need. This product should prevent futures infections or aid in stopping the current infection. 选择产品后,请按照标签上的说明进行操作.
  • 阅读标签
    所有保健品的标签将包括1)给药剂量, 2)执政时间, 3)管理途径. 最常见的给药途径是肌注(IM)。, 皮下(SC), 静脉注射(IV), 鼻内(), 和局部. Other less common methods are intramammary (IM), intrauterine (IA), intrarumenal (IR), and oral. 标签将列出警告,使用指示,如果有的话,停药时间. The label will also include proper methods of storage and disposal and expiration date.
  • 不要混合疫苗
    Mixing unlike vaccines could destroy the effectiveness and value of the individual products. 只使用经批准的组合.
  • 使用转移针
    如果产品需要重组,请使用转移针. 使用转移针应该使这个过程更容易和更卫生. 使用转移针, place one end of the needle into the sterile liquid or dilutant; the other end goes into the freeze-dried cake of vaccine or bacterin. There should be a vacuum in the freeze-dried portion that immediately pulls the dilutent down.
  • 不要一次混合太多的产品
    Modified live vaccines (MLV) begin to degrade, or lose effectiveness, after about an hour. 一次混合过多的产品可能会降低效果. 为了获得最大的效果,只混合足够的疫苗一个小时或更短的时间. 阳光直射和极端温度也会使产品降解, 所以最好保存在阴凉处, 就像一个冷却器. 不要把剩下的疫苗留着以后用. 它不会有效,而且可能被污染. 妥善处理所有疫苗瓶和设备.
  • 保持震动
    当使用大号时, 多剂量疫苗, 比如一瓶200剂量的, 首先要充分混合, 然后时不时停下来,再摇一摇瓶子. 如果你不继续搅拌, 疫苗可能会沉淀, 每次注射的抗原量不一致.
  • 标记并分开注射器
    使用和标记不同的注射器来注射细菌或杀死的产品. 标记MLV注射器,把它们和其他的分开. If traces of bacterin are left in a syringe that is later used for a modified live product, 这种细菌可以破坏改良的活疫苗, 使其无效.
  • 不要使用MLV消毒剂
    不要用消毒剂清洗用于MLV的注射器. 用热水清洗这些注射器. 消毒剂可以摧毁你随后放入同一注射器中的MLV. A mild disinfectant can be used for cleaning bacterin syringes, but be sure to rinse thoroughly.
  • 排出注射器中的空气  
    以帮助动物获得正确剂量的疫苗, remove any air that may be trapped in the syringe by pumping the grip slightly before filling. 后填, pump it enough to move the vaccine up to the needle tip so there is no trapped air that might be injected with the vaccine.
  • 妥善管束动物
    Restraining animals properly reduces the potential of hurting the animal or yourself. 适当的约束可以减少动物的瘀伤程度. 仅擦伤一项每年就给养牛业造成2200万美元的损失.
  • 选择最好的给药途径
    选择最佳给药途径对有效接种至关重要. 两种最常见的给药途径是肌注(IM)。, 也就是说注射到肌肉里, 和皮下注射(SC), 也就是说皮下注射. 有些产品提供了选择,而另一些则必须以特定的方式提供. 标签上会说明最佳给药方法. 一般来说,细菌或杀死的产物可以给予SC. 改良的活病毒产物通常肌肉注射, because this allows the virus to reproduce and reach the lymphatic system more easily. 只要可能,使用皮下途径,如果允许的标签.
  • 选择最好的管理地点
    注射部位病变使该行业每只被屠宰的动物损失约7美元. The best injection site is not necessarily the one that's the fastest or the easiest to get to. 这是产品最有效的地方, 尽可能减少对珍贵肉块的损害. 所有注射都在颈部. 不要注射到臀部或臀部的顶部.
  • 使用正确的针
    选择正确的针头也可以减少注射部位的损伤. 当进行SC注射时,使用16或18号针头,1 / 2到3 / 4英寸长. For IM injections, use a 16 or 18-gauge needle 1 to 1½ inch long, as shown in the table below. 不建议使用14号针头,因为它的直径是16号针头的两倍, 这会增加渗漏和组织损伤的风险.

如果针头弯曲或破损,应丢弃并更换新针头. Bent and broken needles increase the number of injection site lesions and increase the risk of broken needles entering the food supply.

  • 使用正确的注射技术
    When giving SubQ injections; tent the skin to get the product just under the skin and not into the muscle. Pull the skin away from the animal's body and insert the needle into the fold of skin. 多次注射时,注射部位之间要保持几英寸的距离. 不要在任何一个部位使用超过10cc的产品. If a product must be given several times over a period of a few days, vary the injection site.
  • 适当的卫生设施是必不可少的
    Good sanitation practices reduce the risk of spreading infection from one animal to another, 污染疫苗的可能性, 注射部位的反应. Some basic steps to good sanitation include not going back into the vaccine bottle with the same needle you use to vaccinate. Change needles frequently, at least every 10 to 15 animals, or every syringe of vaccine. 当使用灭活疫苗时, keep a saucer or sponge of alcohol or disinfectant nearby and wipe off the needle after each use. 使用改良活疫苗时,注射之间不消毒针头, 因为消毒剂会破坏疫苗. Injecting into a wet or muddy site can increase both the spread of disease and the incidence of injection site lesions. 确保注射部位干净. 定期清洁转针,避免污染.


                                                    皮下                            肌肉内的

                                                ½¾英寸针                   1比1½英寸针

                                                      牛的体重                            牛的体重

Injection Viscosity                <300     300-700     >700         <300       300-700      >700

薄(针规)                 18       18-16         16               20-18      18-16       18-16  


厚(针距)             18-16     18-16         16                 18          16            16
