


An emergency source of power is important during a flood or other disaster for farms with critical equipment, 如散装牛奶处理和机械喂料设备, 机械通风生产设备, 以及孵卵器或其他需要持续加热的设施.

An alternative power source also is vital for homes to keep sump pumps running and the heating system working, 特别是在可能出现电力中断的地区.

A standby electric generator could prevent costly losses during a power failure.


备用发电机由发动机或拖拉机驱动. 它们可以是固定的,也可以是便携式的. Engine-driven models are equipped with a manual or automatic starter and, 取决于模型, 将使用汽油, LP(瓶装)气体或柴油燃料.


Here are some basic safety rules to follow when using a standby generator:

  • 不要在封闭或部分封闭的空间内操作发电机. 汽油或柴油发动机可能会产生致命的一氧化碳. Carbon monoxide can accumulate in a building even with a large door, such as an open garage door. Wind blowing into an attached garage can push the carbon monoxide into the house.
  • 如果你在一个封闭的建筑里操作发电机, you must use engine exhaust ducting to vent the engine exhaust outdoors and away from the building.
  • Choose a generator that provides the power at the same voltage and frequency as your power lines supply. Most power lines supply 120/240-volt, single-phase, 60-cycle alternating current to homes and farms.


帮你买到合适尺寸的发电机, 你需要决定你必须继续运行什么, such as a sump pump and furnace or certain farm equipment (milk cooler or ventilation fan, 例如). 一个满载的系统可以满足整个农场的电力需求. A smaller and less expensive part-load system may be enough to handle essential equipment during an emergency.

功率起飞发电机对大多数农场来说是足够的, 前提是发电机尺寸合适,可以启动最大的电机. 也, power takeoff generators can be mounted on trailers and are about half the cost of engine-driven units.

风冷发动机通常用于高达15千瓦的发电机. A liquid-cooled engine is necessary for generators larger than 15 kilowatts. Generators must have an engine capacity of 2 to 2 1/4 horsepower with the proper drive system for each 1,000瓦发电量.

Motors typically require four times the power to start as they do to run. 尽可能根据设备铭牌估算功率需求.

作为指导, 电动机大约需要4个,000瓦的功率启动和1,每输出1马力就需要运行1万瓦的功率. 一个典型的家庭使用水泵, 冰箱, 冰箱, 炉内鼓风机(煤气炉)和几盏灯将需要5个左右,起动时的峰值使用功率为000瓦,000瓦连续运行.


电气设备通常插在一个较小的发电机上. 扩展 cords must be the proper size based on the electrical load and distance from the generator. The proper voltage may not be provided to a motor at the end of a very long extension cord, 这将导致电机损坏.

Do not connect the generator to a home or farm electrical system without a transfer switch that disconnects the farm or home from the power line and connects to the generator. The wiring system must be isolated from the power lines using a double-throw transfer switch to prevent the generator from feeding electricity back into the power line. This protects linemen who may be working to restore your electrical service. 也, without a double-throw switch, the generator can be ruined due to overloading.


The automatic-start generator should start automatically when the power fails and stop when your power is restored. If you are using an engine-driven generator with a manual start or a tractor-driven unit, 以下是一些基本步骤:

  • 通知你的电力公司你断电了.
  • 关闭或断开所有电气设备.
  • Start the generator and bring it up to proper speed (1,800 or 3,600 revolutions per minute).  The voltmeter will indicate when the generator is ready to carry the load.
  • 确保转换开关在发电机位置.
  • 检查一下清除废气的安排.
  • 先启动最大的电机, 当每个额外的电机达到运行速度时,添加其他负载. 不要加得太多太快.
  • 如果发电机停止,重复除第一步以外的所有步骤.
  • 经常检查电压表. If the voltage falls below 200 for 240-volt service or 100 for 120-volt service, reduce the load on the generator by turning off some electrical equipment.
  • 当商业电力恢复时, put the transfer switch in the normal power position and stop the standby generator.


Make sure your standby generator is clean and in working order at all times so it will be ready when you need it. Dust and dirt accumulations on the motor can cause it to overheat when it is running.

遵循发电机制造商的维护说明. Running the generator briefly at regular intervals will keep it in good working order.