


将牛肉纳入年轻人的饮食和动手烹饪学习有可能影响健康和生活技能, both of which could contribute to the mission of 4-H, North Dakota’s state and national Beef Checkoff Program priorities. 通过在户外环境中教授安全准备牛肉的艺术和科学来投资年轻人,可以为4-H青年提供生活技能, 食物文化, and lifestyle choices for healthy living and potentially, 职业发展技能.


  • Increase youths’ interest in and knowledge of beef products
  • Increase youths’ interest in and knowledge of grilling techniques and methods
  • Increase youths’ interest in and knowledge of meal planning and food preparation
  • Help youth gain knowledge of food safety and preparation
  • 为年轻人提供一个动手烹饪学习的机会,帮助他们学习肉类产品和准备, 以及饮食中蛋白质的重要性
  • 帮助青少年发展生活技能, 食品素养和领导能力, 提高他们的沟通能力和自信心,同时提高他们的决策能力和选择健康食品的能力


4-H’ers and other participants 11 to 18 years old are invited to join the fun.

  • 青少年组- 11至14岁
  • 高级组- 15至18岁


  • 参赛者可以以个人或三到四人的县(或县联合)队的形式参加比赛. Small teams may be merged with teams from other small counties. Each team may include a mentor (youth or adult volunteer, 工业生产, 家长, chef or food industry worker) who can coach the team through the preparation period. 导师不能做团队的工作. 各县可以参加多个队伍. In the event equipment is limited during a face-to-face event, counties may be restricted to a number of teams that may enter.
  • 4-H选手应该在比赛前准备足够的时间来熟悉所选的食谱. 现场比赛时,请勿携带已准备好的菜肴参加比赛. 比赛前,参赛者必须在家长或监护人在场的情况下练习配方.
  • 该团队将准备主牛肉和配菜(沙拉、煎锅或煎蛋卷等).),主打北达科他州出产的产品. 参赛者被鼓励使用最多三种额外的特殊成分(没有家庭加工的产品)来制作他们的菜. No refrigeration will be provided when the event is held in-person. 这意味着参与者只能携带原始包装或罐头等容器中未开封的物品, 瓶, 或包.
  • 参加者必须遵守 食品安全程序 在准备菜的过程中.
  • Face-to-face event: Participants will prepare their recipes, 将菜转移到提供的盘子中,并在将其放在裁判的桌子上之前添加任何装饰.
  • Virtual event: Participants will prepare their recipes, 从盘子的顶部/侧面拍一张照片来展示盘子的呈现,再拍一张你的主菜被切开的照片,这样裁判就能看到你的盘子的内部.
  • 基本的烧烤设备(烤架), 长柄平底煎锅, 勺子, 刮刀, 量杯和搅拌碗, 砧板, 刀, 蔬菜削皮器, 开罐器, 将提供电源线和热垫架,以便亲自准备菜肴时使用.
  • Accessories such as place mats, napkins, flowers or figurines are not allowed.
  • Each team/individual must submit a copy of the recipe. 当面举行活动时,将提供一个8.5 * 11英寸的文件夹、纸张和标记. The recipe should include ingredients, preparation instructions, and serving size.
  • 参与者将对他们的最终食品进行简短(三到五分钟)的口头介绍. 例如, a participant may discuss the preparation process, nutritional information or facts and estimated cost. When held in-person, a panel of judges may ask the contestants questions. 在虚拟竞赛中,参与者将提交一段3分钟的视频,讨论他们的产品.
  • 4-H’ers should wear close-toed shoes and long pants when grilling, for safety reasons. 4-H型的人应该衣着整洁. When possible, 4-H’ers should be wearing a 4-H shirt with the 4-H logo. 参加者应把头发扎好,以免散乱的头发掉到正在准备的盘子里. Wearing a ball cap is an acceptable method.