

Close up of blades of grass on lawn

A well-maintained lawn is a hallmark of a beautiful yard and landscape. With the heat of summer upon us, it's a great time to learn more about how to water and maintain your lawn when it needs it most!


The Right Way to Water Your Lawn

Learn the proper way to Irrigate your lawn when needed and how to make every drop count.
Close up of blades of grass on lawn

Garden, Lawn, and Landscape Management During Droughts

North Dakota is in a drought. Much of our state has been dry since last summer. This is not our first drought, and it won’t be our last. Here are some tips to cope with dry times.
Lawn and Garden Publications
One of the most important steps in establishing and growing lawns, 蔬菜, 树, and flowers is understanding soil health. This publication explains different soil textures and how to troubleshoot common problems. 此外,……
This publication teaches homeowners and golf course personnel how to take a soil sample and interpret the soil test results to grow and maintain a healthy lawn. Subjects include soil pH, soluble salts, and nitrogen, phosphorus, and…
Pesticides can increase the quality and quantity of our food supply, prevent disease and improve the comfort and aesthetics of our environment. The use of pesticides is not without risks. Every pesticide applicator is responsible for…
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