
资金 & 资源


NDAES研究得到了 国家粮食和农业研究所, 谁的使命是促进农业知识的发展, 环境, 通过支持研究,促进人类健康和福祉以及社区, education and extension programs in the Land-Grant University System and other partner organizations.



The North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES) operates under the administration of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - 国家粮食和农业研究所 (NIFA), 向州农业实验站提供联邦孵化能力资金的机构. These funds serve as foundational resources that support the researchers within the NDAES, 在完成空间站的任务中发挥着至关重要的作用. The Hatch capacity funds are dedicated to supporting research projects that address critical issues in the state's agriculture, 食物系统, 自然资源.

提交详情可在 NDAES SharePoint站点 (需要登录).


North Dakota statute assigns the State Board of Agricultural Research and Education (SBARE) the responsibility of administ艾琳g the 农业研究基金 (ARF) (Chapter 15-12.北达科他州世纪法典第1-18条). The ARF is a special fund in the state treasury derived from agricultural equipment sales. 基金里的钱必须用于农业研究. 每年, SBARE apportions the 农业研究基金: 70% to research activities affecting North Dakota agricultural commodities (those that account for at least two percent of the gross sales of all agricultural commodities grown or produced in the state, but the percentage allocated to each commodity cannot exceed the percentage that the gross sales of the commodity contribute to the total of gross sales of all agricultural commodities grown or produced the previous year); 18% to research activities affecting animal agriculture; and 12% to research activities affecting new and emerging crops. SBARE solicits research proposals and appoints committees to review the proposals and award grants competitively.


For the ARF, the SBARE shall solicit proposals that support agricultural research projects that:

  • 对北达科他州的农作物和牲畜生产者产生积极的经济影响;
  • 提高农产品的数量和/或质量;
  • 提高农业生产力的效率或可持续性;
  • are submitted by individuals, groups, or institutions from either the public or the private sector;
  • 通过包括书面提案审查在内的竞争程序选出;
  • include funding from other sources, public or private; and
  • 包括一个及时实现既定目标的框架.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 农业研究基金页面.