

下面你会发现2024-2025学年的估计本科费用,*以及费用的细目和说明. If you’re looking for detailed information about paying tuition and fees or answers to common billing questions, 查看我们的 学费和支付资源.

学费类型 北达科他州居民 明尼苏达州的居民 蒙大拿州和南达科他州居民 其他州 国际
基本学费* $9,309 $10,426 $11,170 $13,963 $16,290
建筑和景观建筑学费 $12,384 $13,870 $14,861 $18,576 $21,672
业务的学费 $9,751 $10,921 $11,701 $14,627 $17,064
计算机科学 $10,243 $11,472 $12,292 $15,365 $17,925
工程的学费 $10,243 $11,472 $12,292 $15,365 $17,925
护理的学费 $11,090 $12,421 $13,308  $16,634 $19,406
药店的学费 $18,825 $20,519 $22,590  $28,237 $32,943

*Differential Tuition is assessed to students in selected programs to cover the costs of additional resources and facilities associated with those programs. Differential tuition is typically assessed to students accepted into the professional phase of the program. 的 差别学费代替基本学费

费用类型 国内大学生
学费 $1,601
新生学费(一次性) $200
住房 $4,638
膳食计划 $5,378

如果您是国际本科生申请人,请查看 费用估计 了解更多信息.

如果您是研究生申请者,请查看 研究生学费和学生费用 了解更多信息.


Student fees cover the costs of selected university programs such as career and advising services and student health services, 美术和体育赛事的入场券, 学生出版物, 健康中心会员资格, 图书馆服务和校园持续的技术需求. Student fees also provide for services aimed at promoting student success and retention including but not limited to orientation and welcome week programs, 辅导服务和家庭项目. 除了学费, all students will be charged a one-time $200 non-refundable New Student Fee to cover the cost of orientation, 登记, 欢迎周和家庭活动.


校园住宿有几种食宿安排. 的 costs presented here reflect a weighted average of residence hall rates and living arrangements most commonly selected by new first-year students, 包括七天不限量的饮食计划. 




Program fees are assessed in addition to tuition and support program needs for a limited number of programs. 具体费用见 一站

有关费用、额外费用和付款计划的更多信息,请访问 一站.


An agreement between North Dakota and 明尼苏达州 makes students eligible for tuition comparable to resident tuition. Students graduating from a 明尼苏达州 high school who enroll at NDSU within 12 months of graduating automatically qualify for this rate. Transfer students, home-schooled students and students earning a GED must apply for this rate at www.咸宁.状态.mn.us


Children and spouses of North Dakota University System (NDUS) college and university graduates may be eligible for reduced tuition at NDSU. 非北达科他州的本科新生, 明尼苏达州, Montana or South Dakota residents are eligible for a tuition rate equal to the Montana/South Dakota resident rate. 


Spouses and dependents of NDSU employees may be eligible for a tuition discount equal to one-half of the tuition cost for NDSU classes. 请与 人力资源厅 在学期开始前至少30天内完成所有文书工作.


NDSU is committed to making sure that students succeed throughout their college career and beyond. 的refore, financial literacy, as well as money and debt management education, is very important.  



一旦你上了大学,预算就变得至关重要了. 标出你的各种收入来源, 包括你父母提供的钱, 工作收入, 还有来自学生贷款的钱, 助学金和其他类型的经济援助. 然后,把费用分类,这样你就知道钱花在哪里了. You’ll feel more in control if you follow a budget and have a clear picture of what is and isn’t affordable.

任何预算的诀窍都是坚持下去. 一旦你确定了你的预算, 花点时间学习如何在预算范围内做出明智的理财选择. College students should become masters at exploring the ways their educational status can save money. 例如, try to choose free or low-cost social activities such as NDSU athletic events or city-sponsored events. Ask about student discounts at events or restaurants, 使用 free MAT bus for transportation, 等. 

另一个有用的工具是在线预算服务, 薄荷. It makes money management easy and convenient and is available as a free app on your smartphone. 薄荷 enables you to upload bank account and expense information so you can manage all of your accounts in one place. 这确保了更少的错过付款和罚款,并易于访问帐户余额.



Even if loans look like “free money” now, they have to be repaid, even if you file bankruptcy. 不要借超过你需要的, 你的学生贷款只能用来交学费, 书, 住房, 食物计划, 等. 不要把学生贷款用于社交活动、新衣服或电子游戏.


的 amount of student loans you borrow should commensurate with the type of salary available once you obtain your degree.  Borrowing more than you need to fund an extravagant 校园生活style could become a serious indebtedness problem later. 你以前一定听过这句话:“现在就像大学生一样生活,这样以后就不用像大学生一样了。."  To determine what an affordable loan payment and debt would be based on your expected income, 使用 学生贷款计算器.


如果你想维持社交生活, 这应该通过兼职来完成, 没有联邦学生资助. Adapt the “pay now” policy for nonessential purchases so you don’t have to pay for them later with added interest. 如果你想找一份兼职工作,可以看看 握手 仅面向新大学生和校友的在线求职板.


信用卡公司对学生下手, banking on the notion that freshmen are strapped for cash and excited about the prospect of “easy” money. 他们还希望学生对信用卡不小心, 累积滞纳金和高额利息. 如果你想要一张信用卡, 货比三家,选择利息和费用最低的最好的. 权衡利弊,设定一个合理的低消费限额. Manage it wisely, using it only for emergencies, and pay off the balance (on time) every month. 此外,请记住,信用卡并不是建立信用的唯一方式. 


说到身份盗窃,大学生是受害最严重的群体之一. 根据标枪战略与研究, 18至24岁的人群身份被盗的风险最高. 不仅如此, 这些人平均需要132天才能发现并报告欺诈行为.

很简单:如果可能的话,不要分享个人信息. 简单的事情,比如给朋友一个密码, providing your social security number where it is unnecessary or leaving personal documents lying around can increase your chance for identity theft. 在偷窃行为发展到不可收拾的地步之前抓住它, check your bank and credit accounts regularly and report any suspicious activity immediately. While identity watch services are available, the monthly fees may not fit into your budget. 而不是, make sure you pay close attention to your accounts and order a free credit report from all three of the reporting bureaus annually.  


如果你的借贷或支出已经失控,有帮助. 村金融资源中心, 农村家庭服务中心的一个项目, 提供财务咨询项目和服务. 您可以拨打1-800-450-4019或发电子邮件与他们联系 moneyhelp@thevillagefamily.org.

聪明的钱 is a computer-based instruction consisting of eleven modules that cover basic financial topics ranging from banking to rebuilding credit.

A real-life guide to taking charge of your money using online personal finance tools to help build financial skills. 

A coalition of diverse financial organizations working together to educate and prepare our nation’s youth for financial success.

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