In recent years, micro生物学 has had a major impact on virtually all other scientific disciplines. 出于这个原因, students who choose to major in micro生物学 often minor in 生物技术, 化学, 或者食品安全. Students who choose to major in other fields may find it advantageous to minor in micro生物学.


研究生s may seek employment in the health sciences, 生物医药行业, 生物技术, 农业生物系统, 食品行业的, 医药行业, 以及政府机构. 我们的毕业生从事公共卫生工作, 医院实验室, quality control laboratories to ensure a safe food supply, 学术, 政府, 或者私人研究实验室, 生物技术生产实验室, 甚至还有啤酒厂. Many microbiologists are teachers and professors, and many of our graduates attend graduate or professional school to continue their career development. Microbiologists work in 政府 agencies such as state public health units, 美国国立卫生研究院, 疾病控制中心(CDC), the United States Department of 农业 (USDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Students who major in micro生物学 can apply for part of ~$12,000 in scholarships that are dedicated funds for our major and ~$7500 in scholarships for 微生物学 主要s planning to apply for 兽医 school. 参观 网站 微生物学专项奖学金.


科学和数学课程, 比如代数, 生物学, 物理, 和化学, will help students prepare for a major in micro生物学.


Transfer students are strongly advised to take transferable intro 生物学 和化学 courses in preparation for upper-level science courses at NDSU.


在第一年, students in micro生物学 take basic college courses in English, 化学, 生物学, 和数学. The curriculum over the next three years includes advanced micro生物学 and life sciences courses. 这些课程包括微生物生理学, 微生物遗传学, 病毒学, 免疫学, 微生物生态学. Students majoring in micro生物学 can enhance their understanding of applied micro生物学 and infectious disease by taking courses such as pathogenic micro生物学, 临床寄生虫学, 食品微生物学, 微生物基因组学. Students may choose to minor in programs such as 生物技术, public health, and food safety.


  1. Demonstrate a familiarity with professional and ethical behavior in micro生物学.

  2. Identify and explain micro生物学 discipline-specific knowledge and concepts.

  3. Describe the process of scholarly inquiry in micro生物学

  4. Perform classical and modern microbiological techniques with consistency.

  5. Communicate scientific results and scientific understanding to a chosen audience.

  6. Participates effectively as a team member in collaborative work.

  7. Exhibit professional skills and personal effectiveness to enter the job market.

  8. Describe their role and begin participating in being civically responsible, 公民的贡献, 创造包容的环境.


The department of Microbiological Sciences offers several “成功之路.“这取决于你的职业目标, you may find that one of these pathways will enhance your education to meet those goals. We currently have 成功之路 inGeneral 微生物学, Pre-Health职业, Pre-Veterinary职业, 生物技术(双学位), and Accelerated Master's (Public Health or 微生物学).


We have an active Biotechnology and 微生物学 Club that tours local businesses related to 生物技术 and micro生物学, hosts guest speakers currently working in the fields of micro生物学 and 生物技术, and meets for social events throughout the year.


The teaching faculty offers expertise and experience in a variety of micro生物学 areas. Additionally, faculty members are active researchers and devoted research mentors. Our undergraduates have opportunities to perform cutting-edge research in nationally funded laboratories.


The Department of Microbiological Sciences in Van Es Hall has well-equipped teaching and research laboratories, 包括我们的生物技术创新核心. Several courses are taught in the dedicated 阀杆 education building, A. 格伦希尔中心.


专业学校准备. The micro生物学 major is excellent preparation for professional school, 包括医疗, 兽医, 牙科, 验光, 以及医师助理项目.

研究生院. The micro生物学 major emphasizes experiential learning in coursework and research laboratories that provide the foundation to be successful in 研究生院. We even offer an accelerated master's program to help students optimize their timeline to completing their graduate degree while finishing their bachelor's degree.