Iris Dukart
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Iris Dukart


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Name: Iris Dukart
Major: Agricultural Education
Minor: Extension Education
Year: Senior
Hometown: Manning, ND
Graduation Date: Spring 2023

Why I chose NDSU

我之所以选择新大,是因为我知道它将为我提供在一个历史上深深植根于农业的环境中攻读农业教育学位的机会. Additionally, 我在校园里感到非常自在,我知道我将得到那些希望看到学生成功的教授和教职员工的支持.

Explore NDSU

Why I chose a major in the 农业、食品系统和自然资源学院

我在农场和牧场长大,对农业也有很深的渊源. 当我选择未来的职业时,我知道它总是与农业有关. 农业教育对我在高中的发展产生了很大的影响,并影响了我在进入大学后攻读农业教育学位. 它结合了我对农业的热爱,教学生他们的食物在哪里, fiber, 以及帮助他们成长为我们社区强有力的领导者.

农业教育教师候选人在农业学院提供的农业前教育项目中开始他们的准备工作, Food Systems, 然后申请入读教师教育专业,被录取后转到教育学院.

Learn more about the Agricultural Education degree

Scholarships have helped me remain debt-free

奖学金对我来说很重要,因为它让我能够 graduate debt-free from college! 这样我就不用担心我的学费了, 作为一名教育工作者,我有了更多的时间来投资自己,并利用了许多课外机会,这些机会提高了我的学位,并为我建立了关系网和人际关系,这些将在我离开NDSU后为我提供支持.


  • Alpha Gamma Rho Agricultural Leadership Scholarship
  • Appaloosa Horse Club Territory 1 Scholarship
  • CNH Industrial Ag Scholarship
  • 戴尔·卡彭蒂尔农业教育奖学金基金
  • Dollars for Scholars
  • Dunn County 4-H Johnnie Rae Memorial Scholarship
  • Dunn County Crop Improvement Scholarship
  • Dunn County Farm Bureau Scholarship
  • Education Association Scholarship
  • Farm Credit Service of Mandan Scholarship
  • Kent and Jodi Carlson Scholarship
  • Killdeer FFA Alumni Scholarship
  • Killdeer Golf Foundation Scholarship
  • Killdeer High School Jeans for Charity Scholarship
  • Killdeer Saddle Club Scholarship
  • Lenora M. DeAlton Memorial Scholarship
  • Mel and Sharyl Maier Scholarship
  • Midwest Dairy Scholarship
  • ND Career and Technical Education Scholarship
  • ND FFA Foundation Bakk Farm Scholarship
  • ND State Soil Conservation District Scholarship
  • NDSU 4-H Foundation Rosevold Memorial Scholarship
  • NDSU Academic Scholarship
  • NDSU Agricultural Education Scholarship
  • NDSU Class of 1967 Scholarship
  • NDSU Entrepreneurial Scholarship
  • NDSU Michael & Melinda Goodman-Sorenson Scholarship
  • 北达科他州斯托克曼协会青少年奖学金
  • 北达科他州斯托克曼协会遗产奖学金
  • Orville and Nora Bergan Memorial Scholarship
  • Southwest Grain Scholarship
  • Verlin和Eloise Johnson动物科学家畜和肉类评审项目奖学金



我参加了农业教育协会和大学女牛协会. 参与校园组织对我影响很大,因为它让我获得了领导技能, 与新大的员工和学生建立关系,这将为我未来的职业生涯提供支持, 并在我关心的领域获得真实的生活知识. 我鼓励新大的每一个学生都参加一个校园组织,让你与他人建立联系, learn new things, and achieve growth in your leadership skills!



CHS Southwest Grain Agronomy Intern: I assisted with herbicide and pesticide distribution, staged crops for fungicide, herbicide, and insecticide applications and identified weeds. Additionally, I worked with our customer base to invoice products, deliver products, and helped market various products.

NDSU Extension Integrated Pest Management Crop Scout: 我的任务是鉴定向日葵中的主要作物害虫, soybeans, wheat, and barley in addition to identifying growth stages, diseases, and pest thresholds. Additionally, I managed insect traps, trapped and pinned insects, 并收集了各种数据并提交给NDSU推广和北达科他州农业部.

ND Association of Agricultural Educators Intern: 我协助了2022年ND FFA州大会,帮助检查章节, organized materials for contests and workshops, facilitated a workshop for ND FFA members, and assisted at the career fair. 此外,我还帮助组织和评判北达科他州博览会上的FFA展览.

Classroom experiences prepare me for my future career

In the teacher education program, 我们有机会在同龄人中进行微教学,并观察我们社区中的其他教育工作者. 这对我很有影响,因为它让我练习我的教学,获得更多的信心和练习我的材料. Additionally, by being able to observe other educators, 我学到了不同的教学风格,并在课堂上获得了实践知识和经验,我可以把这些知识和经验运用到学生教学中.

People are the best part of my NDSU experience

我在新大留下了很多回忆,但我认为最难忘的是那里的人. During the last four years of college, 我遇到了很多人,他们塑造了我的教育,对我产生了很大的影响! 我交了一辈子的朋友,他们不仅会在我未来的职业生涯中支持我,而且会在生活中支持我. 我无法表达我对这些关系的感激之情,能够与世界上最好的一些人一起度过一生!

My future plans

After graduating in May 2023, 我打算在北达科他州的一所高中教授农业教育,并成为FFA顾问!